Haseman PRM-10 - Z-Wave, DIN Rail, 10 Clamps, True RMS Power/Energy Meter
10 Channel, Z-Wave, DIN Rail mounting, True RMS Power Meter. Features: 10 Power meter channels.True RMS Meterin..
259.90 €
2 or more 249.90 €
4 or more 239.90 €
Haseman DD1-2 - Z-Wave DIN Rail Universal Dimmer v2 250W (Insert Fibaro FGD-212)
Z-Wave controlled DIN mounting light dimming module, designed to work with light sources of any type. May be connected to two..
69.90 €
3 or more 65.99 €
5 or more 62.99 €
Haseman DR1-1 - Z-Wave DIN Rail 2.5kW Switch module (Insert Fibaro FGS-214)
Z-Wave controlled DIN mounting ON/OFF Relay Switch module, designed to work with light source or load of any type up to 2.5kW..
69.90 €
3 or more 65.99 €
5 or more 62.99 €
Haseman DR1-2 - Z-Wave DIN Rail Switch module, v2 (Insert Fibaro FGS-213)
Z-Wave controlled DIN mounting ON/OFF Relay Switch module, designed to work with light source or load of any type up to 8A.Fe..
69.90 €
3 or more 65.99 €
5 or more 62.99 €
Haseman DR2-1 - Z-Wave DIN Rail 2x1.5kW Switch module (Insert Fibaro FGS-224)
Z-Wave controlled DIN mounting ON/OFF Double Relay Switch module, designed to work with light sources or loads of any type up..
69.90 €
3 or more 65.99 €
5 or more 62.99 €
Haseman DR2-2 - Z-Wave DIN Rail Double Switch module, v2 (Insert Fibaro FGS-223)
Z-Wave controlled DIN mounting ON/OFF Double Relay Switch module, designed to work with light source or load of any type up t..
69.90 €
3 or more 65.99 €
5 or more 62.99 €
Haseman DSH1-2 - Z-Wave, DIN Rail Shutter Controller, v2 (Insert Fibaro FGR-223)
Z-Wave controlled DIN mounting Roller Shutter module for Up/Down Controls of 230V electric motor for blinds, shutters, garage..
69.90 €
3 or more 65.99 €
5 or more 62.99 €
Haseman DRGBW1 - Z-Wave DIN Rail RGBW LED controller (Insert Fibaro FGRGBW-442)
Z-Wave controlled DIN mounting RGBW/PWM LED controller. Controller uses PWM output signal, which enables it to control LED, R..
69.90 €
3 or more 65.99 €
5 or more 62.99 €
Haseman DIN Enclosure for Fibaro FGD-212 Dimmer 2
The product includes DIN enclosure, label, terminals, and PCB which is compatible with FGD-212 Dimmer 2. Ventilated DIN..
19.90 €
3 or more 18.90 €
5 or more 17.90 €
Haseman DIN Enclosure for Fibaro FGS-213 Relay switch v.2
Product include DIN enclosure, label, terminals and PCB which is compatible with FGS-213 Relay switch v.2Ventilated DIN..
19.90 €
3 or more 18.90 €
5 or more 17.90 €
Haseman DIN Enclosure for Fibaro FGS-214 / FGS-212 Relay switch
The product includes DIN enclosure, label, terminals, and PCB which is compatible with FGS-214 / FGS-212 Relay switch. ..
19.90 €
3 or more 18.90 €
5 or more 17.90 €
Haseman DIN Enclosure for Fibaro FGS-223 Double relay switch v.2
The product includes DIN enclosure, label, terminals, and PCB which is compatible with FGS-223 Double relay switch v.2V..
19.90 €
3 or more 18.90 €
5 or more 17.90 €
Haseman DIN Enclosure for Fibaro FGS-224 / FGS-222 Double relay switch
The product includes DIN enclosure, label, terminals, and PCB which is compatible with FGS-224 / FGS-222 Double relay s..
19.90 €
3 or more 18.90 €
5 or more 17.90 €
Haseman DIN Enclosure for Fibaro FGR-222 Roller Shutter Controller, v.1
The product includes DIN enclosure, label, terminals and PCB which is compatible with FGR-222 Roller Shutter.Venti..
19.90 €
3 or more 18.90 €
5 or more 17.90 €
Haseman DIN Enclosure for Fibaro FGR-223 Roller Shutter Controller, v.2
The product includes DIN enclosure, label, terminals, and PCB which is compatible with FGR-223 Roller Shutter.Vent..
19.90 €
3 or more 18.90 €
5 or more 17.90 €
Haseman DIN Enclosure for Fibaro FGRGBW-442 / FGRGBWM-441 controller
The product includes DIN enclosure, label, terminals, and PCB which is compatible with Fibaro FGRGBW-442 / FGRGBWM-441 ..
19.90 €
3 or more 18.90 €
5 or more 17.90 €
FLEXBOOL PB 4PT100 is a Power Bus Extender with 4 PT100 inputs. It communicates with the PLC by means of a 2-Wire bus (Power ..
98.90 €